[hacker rank] The time in words알고리즘/Hacker Rank 2021. 9. 9. 22:29
string timeInWords(int h, int m) { std::string time[] = { "o' clock", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "tweleve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "quarter", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty" }; const int size = 40; char buf[size] = {}; if (0 == m) snprintf(buf, size, "%s %s", time[h].c_str(), time[m].c_str()); else if (1 == m) snprintf(buf, size, "%s minute past %s", time[m].c_str(), time[h].c_str()); else if (m <= 14) snprintf(buf, size, "%s minutes past %s", time[m].c_str(), time[h].c_str()); else if (15 == m) snprintf(buf, size, "%s past %s", time[m].c_str(), time[h].c_str()); else if (m <= 20) snprintf(buf, size, "%s minutes past %s", time[m].c_str(), time[h].c_str()); else if (m <= 29) snprintf(buf, size, "%s %s minutes past %s", time[20].c_str(), time[m-20].c_str(), time[h].c_str()); else if (30 == m) snprintf(buf, size, "half past %s", time[h].c_str()); else if (m <= 39) snprintf(buf, size, "%s %s minutes to %s", time[20].c_str(), time[40-m].c_str(), time[h+1].c_str()); else if (m <= 44) snprintf(buf, size, "%s minutes to %s", time[60 - m].c_str(), time[h + 1].c_str()); else if (45 == m) snprintf(buf, size, "quarter to %s", time[h + 1].c_str()); else if (m <= 59) snprintf(buf, size, "%s minutes to %s", time[60-m].c_str(), time[h + 1].c_str()); std::string answer = buf; return answer; }
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